Tito—or Uncle—Lance?

So far I'm not getting any used to being called tito—what Filipinos lovingly call their uncles.

When I went home last Christmas, I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of kids brought into this harsh, unforgiving world by my childhood playmates and extended family members.

To remind myself that I'm getting older, I only have to look at this emerging younger generation and realize how long it's been since I had been inside a crib. Sooner or later, they will come at my doorsteps and plead, "Tito, where's my gift?"

But, kids bring such joy. First, they transform the household into a busy office of diaper changing and milk-making. And they run wild and free, destroying century-old vases or the latest electronic gadgets—they don't really care.

Despite these, they bring laughter, fulfillment, and many wonderful photo opportunities for anyone holding a camera.

Like this one from Jared, son of my cousin, Ate Bing. That kid, I tell you, has the best speaking voice for a child I've heard. I tried coaxing him into saying "amazing" but he could only manage "mama" for now. I pray he'll grow up in the love of the Lord.

And, self-absorbed that I am, I haven't completely resolved whether Jared should call me Tito Lance or Uncle Lance.


  1. "Uncle" is now a common title in Iligan. Street children here now call every guy from the college level "uncle". Girls get to be called "ate".
    ...which is unfair...

  2. "Uncle" is a staple in So. Cotabato, too. We call tricycle drivers "Uncle."


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