Happy First Day of Classes!

Carlo Timbol's text this morning read “Happy First Day of Classes!”

Amused, I twittered it, as if it were a public holiday along the ranks of Pi Day. It had a nice ring to it.

“Should I be happy going to classes again?” I asked myself. A part of me was excited, another was curious. For instance, have my classmates, having promised not to eat more than a cup of rice for every meal this holiday season, gotten . . . bigger?

For the most part, however, I was apprehensive. With the pile of things-to-do I had set aside before I flew on that plane home, I knew coming back won't be as relaxing—back-breaking would be more like it.

But I'm going back to school—that's enough reason to celebrate. Not everyone gets the chance.

As for my apprehensions, I was immensely comforted by David in Psalm 16:8—“I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”

If you're studying or working, how was your "First Day"?


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