
Hanging in my room

  • It's the first day of Feb—how fast time flies!
  • Had a blessed time in church today.
  • Delicious lunch at Razon's in Timog Ave.
  • Soon-to-be-doctor Ate Michie told me she'd be praying for me as I prep up for the med school interview.
  • I realized that some petty things make my life easier—like an internet connection in my room.
  • Wegs' approval of me coming to her place for free wifi use because the dorm internet won't be restored until tomorrow.
  • The sense of helplessness at the enormous tasks ahead for this week. It leads me to depend on God alone.
  • Good health. All my roommates now suffer from sore throat, flu, and fever. I'm experiencing the initial symptoms, but I thank God I'm not yet completely bogged down.


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