Today, I thank the Lord for:

1.The wonderful sleep last night
2.The beam of sunlight that greeted me when I woke up
3.The absence of horrifying, troubling, or hurting text messages when I checked my phone
4.My watch that gave the accurate time
5.The internet, so I was able to check my mail
6.My computer, because it doesn't give me headaches anymore
7.The peace and calm of the morning
8.The presence of my roommates who had enough sleep as I did
9.My safety in going down from the upper deck
10. My soft pillows

11. My fragrant blanket
12. My trusted electric fan
13. The refreshing cold water in the dispenser
14. The ample, clean water in the lavatory
15. The toothpaste and toothbrush I used
16. The comfortable sleeping clothes I wore
17. My functioning urinary system
18. The electricity; there was no brownout today
19. The short chat session with Floribeth, a high school classmate
20. The short chat with longtime blockmate, Wegs Pedroso

21. The short chat with Jaja Baculi, who's now in the States and who has a quiz next week
22. Manong's reminder to go to Bro. Danny's discipleship group
23. Kuya Imay's instructions to go to Nepa-Q Mart
24. The cold, but not chilling, shower
25. The soap and shampoo
26. The cleanliness and sheer beauty of the CR
27. A Youtube video of The Call (from Prince Caspian) embedded in Katrina's blog
28. The shirt, shorts, and sandals
29. The pocket money to pay for jeepney and MRT fares
30. The absence of vaginal plug in my mouse, which reminded me to entrust my thesis to God

31. The fact that my mice didn't bite me
32. The ATM machine at Cubao Station
33. The kind instructions of the MMDA officer who directed me to the marketplace
34. The safety in travelling
35. The bus that took me to the market
36. The protection from pickpockets when I landed in the market
37. The kind man and lady who bore with my ignorance at meat matters
38. Manong's insight when I got confused with porcine and bovine
39. The kind man who pointed me to another stall
40. The lady who gave me a discount

41. The man who separated the meat from the bones
42. The bus I rode from Nepa-Q Mart to Philcoa
43. The acquired skill of commuting, even with buses in EDSA
44. The reminder for Paul Velasco's birthday
45. The chance to send Paul an email
46. The ability to type fast
47. The chance to see Frisbee and Football matches
48. The quiet walk from Yakal to Sunken, which gave me time to think through things
49. The opportunity to sit beside Ma'am Zah, my former lab instructor
50. The voice to cheer for MBB

51. The sheer sight of my blockmates in action
52. The shade under the tree
53. The quiet breeze
54. The blue sky
55. Titus' shirt that reminded me to be proud of my Pinoy heritage
56. Andoi's witty remarks
57. The loss in the Frisbee match, which humbled us
58. The sight of Coy and Paul playing in the field, a reminder to take some time off
59. Moments of laughter with Ate Bianca and Andoi
60. Hazel, whose love for the game was infectious

61. Titus, Joe, and Monchi who bought food with me at the nearest stand, the one in front of Vinzon's
62. Monchi's fishball treat which really warmed my heart
63. The fact that no item was reported missing in the games
64. The fact that no one was injured in the game
65. The fact that nobody got mad at each other during the game
66. The rain
67. The grandstand, which shielded us from getting wet
68. The fun, relaxing, albeit tense atmosphere
69. The newfound Korean friends of Paul and Coy, who reminded me that friendship can easily be established because we have more things in common than we actually think
70. Pat, Gabby, and Joe's umbrellas

71. Gabby and Dianne's cheers, which made the event enjoyable
72. The determination to leave just in time for youth fellowship
73. The 15-minute nap
74. Ate Myka's text, asking me what had happened
75. Ate Myka's instructions on setting up mating cages
76. The chance to visit my mice the second time again this afternoon
77. The availability of ICR mice, which are slowly being decimated—a reminder to trust God
78. The chance to meet Ate Florence after more than a year
79. The jeep that took me safely to Delta
80. The absence of any accidents

81. The privilege to hear Bro. Danny's teaching
82. James 4
83. The cool, conference room
84. My Bible, now dog-eared
85. Koji's deep insights
86. Ate Rae's answers, which helped me understand many things
87. The laughter
88. Kito's questions that made me ask some things as well
89. Ervin's birthday
90. Kuya Lito's teaching on the importance of keeping a journal

91. Kuya Caloy, for giving me The Journals of Jim Elliot, a collector's item
92. The merienda—maja blanca and pansit
93. The chance to talk with Ate Rae's cousins on med school, college, and faith
94. Kuya Moncie's infectious desire for the Word
95. Ate Mean's comment on my blog, which reminded me to write more about the things of God than about myself
96. The free ride home, thanks to Kuya Lito
97. The health of Kuya Lito's kids, Jeremiah and Stephanie
98. The air that I breathe
99. Jesus Christ
100. The indescribable peace and joy in my heart as I write this.

And the list hasn't even started.


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