List: rain, mice, Cebu, and the rice crisis
1. After the hot, dry spell, it finally rained yesterday. How cool is that?
2. I donned my lab gown, put on my latex gloves, and entered the land of no return, also known as the Mouse Room. For the first five minutes, the mice inside looked scary. I thought they were looking at me from inside their cages. The smell was assaulting—a combination of poo and pee and rotten mouse pellets—the kind that would stick on your body if you didn’t take a bath after. But miracles do happen. When I saw them jumping in their cages, my heart just melted, for no reason at all. I had, as Paula Abdul would always put it, a connection between them. The fear and the smell vanished like vapor. Oh, didn’t I tell you that I’m going to have to feed them once every week, for the next 12 months or so? That leaves me no choice but to love them.
3. My friends in the Youth Fellowship in Higher Rock left for Cebu early this morning for the Communion of Christian Ministries (CCM) Youth Convention. The theme is Living Life to the Full. I pray that the Lord minister to them through His word. May they also get to know all the other Christian youth members from other CCM churches all over the country. Please pray for their safety as well.
4. Because of the rice crisis, I’m beginning to understand what my parents told me when I was young: that every grain of rice on my plate must be eaten. These days, my plate’s usually clean.
2. I donned my lab gown, put on my latex gloves, and entered the land of no return, also known as the Mouse Room. For the first five minutes, the mice inside looked scary. I thought they were looking at me from inside their cages. The smell was assaulting—a combination of poo and pee and rotten mouse pellets—the kind that would stick on your body if you didn’t take a bath after. But miracles do happen. When I saw them jumping in their cages, my heart just melted, for no reason at all. I had, as Paula Abdul would always put it, a connection between them. The fear and the smell vanished like vapor. Oh, didn’t I tell you that I’m going to have to feed them once every week, for the next 12 months or so? That leaves me no choice but to love them.
3. My friends in the Youth Fellowship in Higher Rock left for Cebu early this morning for the Communion of Christian Ministries (CCM) Youth Convention. The theme is Living Life to the Full. I pray that the Lord minister to them through His word. May they also get to know all the other Christian youth members from other CCM churches all over the country. Please pray for their safety as well.
4. Because of the rice crisis, I’m beginning to understand what my parents told me when I was young: that every grain of rice on my plate must be eaten. These days, my plate’s usually clean.
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