Call it the Fair

My blockmates, being party animals that they are, have been urging everyone to go to the UP fair tomorrow. Call me un-cool, but I've never been to one.

The Fair, for all it's worth, just never appealed to me. I have nothing against it, but I'd rather stay home, lie cozily in bed with all the lights turned off but my reading lamp, a drink of hot chocolate by my sidetable, and an old, good-smelling book on my hands.

My sked's also tight tomorrow night. It's Kuya Dave and Jason's birthday, both of whom I love in Christ, and some YCF alumni will be coming over for tomorrow's fellowship.

But we'll see. Who knows? I might just see the Jumping Jologs for real.


  1. REALLY?!!
    You haven't been to the Fair?
    --has to hold back some comments like "how old are you?" :P--

    Why not organize a DCF at the Fair Night? That would sound fun. HAHAHA.

  2. Hahaha...that's the old lance I knew.

    The Jumping Jologs are for real. Maybe it's time for you to see for yourself. hahaha...kidding...


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