Ten minutes

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I just boarded the jeep, then she did, after a few seconds. She sat in front of me.

During the 10 minutes of travel, we had a good chat: on life, on career, on faith. It was all so refreshing, like a glass of cold water after an exhausting jogging session.

We talked about how fast time flies: who'd have thought it's been four long years since we first enrolled in UP? We talked about God's faithfulness, and how He has, never once, left us nor forsaken us.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I have peace--I can't explain it--because I'm sure that where I'm going is where God wants me to be," she said.

I hope we could all say the same thing.


  1. That's a great way of looking at our present and our future direction. And I have this kind of faith at important moments in my life, especially when I'm at a crossroads. But then what would happen if God asks us, "Where would you like to go?" I hope we are ready with our own personal answers.

  2. And more importantly, that our answers are in accord with His will for us.

  3. Kuya, how ever do you manage to keep on finding my blog? ~rem

  4. The new one? I haven't seen it yet. Sabi mo huwag kong tingnan eh. Pero if you want me, I might just find the means to find it.


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