Koronadal, here I come

The date is December 19, a Wednesday. I don’t know if it’s going to be sunny or cloudy—or if it’s ever going to snow in this part of the world—but what I do know is that I’m coming home for Christmas.

My kid brother Sean is down with chicken pox in his rented apartment in Davao. He’s probably stuck in his bed with all his bed covers on, his skin covered with itchy red and black sores. I hope it’s going to be over when he comes home. I’ve never had a chicken pox, and I can’t afford to look like someone has drawn black dots on my skin while I was sleeping.

My older brother Ralph is in his apartment two jeepney rides from where I live, also detained with his inch-thick readings that never run out of supply. If trees are being cut down for paper production, blame it on law schools.

And then there’s me, writing this entry as a petty excuse not to start reviewing for a Monday exam. I will, believe me, but in the near future. Exams have a way of distorting my schedule. I resolve not to be bothered this time.

Nanay already gave out instructions to buy gifts for this-and-that, part of our Christmas kringle tradition with close family friends in the city*. I said I’ll try because I’m still not sure if I could squeeze shopping (and my allowance, of course) in my itinerary for next week.

I’m also excited for the upcoming Quiz-mas Challenge 2007. It’s a regional quiz show for high school students that UP SOCCKSARGEN is organizing. It’s on December 22. So if you’re in Koronadal, feel free to drop by FitMart Mall, 1-4 pm, second floor, at the area near the cinemas.

I get awfully giddy thinking I’ll be home in less than a week. I thank the Lord for providing for the trip and for Christmas, which is really all about Him.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketCalling Koronadal a city still makes me uncomfortable. To my mind, it will always be the quiet town where I grew up, where everybody knew each other and those who didn’t acted like they really did.


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