The inevitable end of my teenage years

I turned 20 yesterday--the official end of my teenage years, the crucial prelude to adulthood. Until now the thought still overwhelms that I have to constantly remind myself that everyone--and not just me--goes through this phase of life.

After Sunday service, my brother and I ate a hearty lunch at a restaurant along Timog. I wanted my birthday "celebration" to be as simple and quiet as possible. I also didn't have cash to treat my friends out, and I needed time to think.

Stuffed and sleepy after the meal, we spent the afternoon at home, until such time when manong and Kuya John left to see Ate Joan and Kuya Arbie in the University graduation ceremonies. Left to myself, I continued watching tv but decided to stop when it finally dawned on me that April 22 only comes once a year, and I didn't want to waste it with news about Baby James.

So I looked back at my life. Flashbacks of past events came rushing through me like an old movie. The moment I tried to piece them all together, these pieces of memory formed what seemed to be a mosaic that cried out with all its might: GOD IS FAITHFUL!

And indeed He is.

I always tell my friends that who I am and who I will be are because of what God has done for me. I could never bask in the glory of myself because I have nothing to boast of in the first place. So what about the trophies of life that I have accumulated for the past 20 years? They all boil to nothing. I pray that the Lord give me faith to count them all rubbish compared to the "excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord" (Philippians 3:8).

My prayer and birthday wish was for God to "restore to me the joy of His salvation" (Psalm 51:12) because there have been times when I lived not for Him but for myself. I sought my glory more than His, and it was during these times when I felt saddest, lowest, and all my efforts at life seemed to be futile.

Now more than ever my desire is this (Psalm 27:4):

"One thing that I have desired of the Lord, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And to inquire in His temple."


  1. "April 22 only comes once a year, and I didn't want to waste it with news about Baby James."

    Hahaha! Belated happy birthday, Lance! :D May God continue to bless you this year with his guidance and grace.

  2. hi, lancey wancey. happy birthday. God be with you always.

  3. Hi, nice blog you got here ^_~ Indeed God is faithful :) I would like to share my life verse with you. Galatians 6:9, I know your familiar with it.. hehe... Stay Cool and God Bless! :)

  4. thanks so much kat and jac.
    jehzeel, thanks for dropping by. i praise God that this post has ministered to you, as well, and thanks for the verse.

    God is faithful indeed.

  5. Lance!

    I can't believe I forgot to greet you Happy Birthday. Mas matanda ka pala sa akin! Haha.

    Belated! Sorry nalilimutan ko. Magpakita ka naman! Anyway, hopefully you're making the most of your summer vacation.

    Nga pala, kahit wala kang tagboard, I'm TAGGING you! Haha. Now it's your turn to post ten weird things about yourself, and tag 6 other people aside from me.

    P.S. Ti-nag ko din si Wegs. Haha.



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