Blast from the past

My friend, Zcharmaine Yumang, whom I've met in Baguio five years ago during a convention, lent me her photo album just this morning. I saw two pictures of myself which she took of me during the awarding ceremonies. I was amazed at how small I was then, and how I've become so grown-up, so mature, and so bloody handsome. Do click on the two photos to see bigger portraits.

"Do I still look the same?" I asked a friend.

"I see pretty much the same smile."

Still small

In Baguio


  1. oh my gulay... wahaha... again during the-age-when-i-was-thin, so long ago...

    can i just say that I WAS THERE!!!!! hahaha!

    you know what, i was thinking of you during the long weekend and I remembered your extempo speech during that conference... and i remembered that I have something to confess to you...

    but you know what, you were great then, and great now - if not better...

    your fan girl,

    hehehe. :)


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