Complexation and the NIMBB Fun Day

Finally, I've been able to complex with my antibody, Kevin. This supposed bonding activity is part of the application process in the UP MBB Society. We had lunch at Chocolate Kiss, together with Titus and Kino, the other antigen-antibody pair, and Jade who gladly tagged along.

From there, we made our way to Albert Hall, home of the National Insitute of MBB (NIMBB). For four hours or so, we forgot all about the exams and lab reports lined up for the week as we joined in the games and laughter.

More pictures are posted in my Bottled Multiply Site.


  1. Dear Lance,
    Thank you for visiting my blog. Actually, I always see you around UP especially during enrolment. Anyway, I am a fan of your blog and I always read your posts. You're one of the best bloggers around! hehe:) More power to you, too!

  2. Dear Lance,
    Thank you for visiting my blog. Actually, I always see you around UP, especially during enrolment. Anyway, I am a fan of your blog and I always wait for your latest entries. You're one of the best bloggers around! :) hehe.. More power to you, to. :)

  3. Thank you, Tugaff. If and when you do see me, please do me the favor of calling my name out loud so I can recognize you. Hehe.

  4. antibody-antigen? Now, I haven't seen anything geekier than this. :P Pluto is way below the geeky line when compared to this. :p

  5. Hi Lance! Been a long time since I talked to you. Sulatan kita 'maya-maya. :D My classes won't start until two hours from now.


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