Sad news: talo si Larios

So it's Manny Pacquiao. It almost saddened me because Kuya Jordan and I have been rooting for Oscar Larios, the humble yet famed boxer from Guadalajara, Mexico, to win the match called Mano a Mano: Thrilla in Manila 2. At the end of the match, Larios acknowledged losing to a "great champion" instead of blaming his loss to his socks. I really thought the time was just right for Pacquiao to give the title to someone else. With all his product endorsements, from milk to pain relievers to a fastfood chain, I'm sure he won't be needing prize money. But Manny somehow won the long battle, and with his victory, Filipinos feel that they comprise the strongest nation on earth: give us a face to punch and we will. If Pacman did it, we can do it, too. Anyway, there's no question about his win: Manny deserves his title because he has earned his crown with his blood, sweat, and his daily dose of Alaxan capsules. But I get very uneasy with people calling him their hero, the new face of the Filipino, and other titles that elevate him into the position of a historical figure. Maybe he will be, someday, but I guess heroes should do something more than box in front of millions.

Either way, congrats Manny.



  1. I was just annoyed that at the end of the fight, someone crammed a McDo hat on his head while he was talking to the announcer, and he drank an energy drink. He had stickers all over his shorts so you couldn't see the flames that are supposed to mark him, and his shoes had these ridiculous red fringes around his ankles so he looked like a kalesa horse. He's everywhere, and so are his sponsors. :/

  2. Yes Kat, you could say that. I heard the sponsors paid a huge sum of money just to have their logos and other whatnots stitched onto Manny's jerseys.

  3. I love how you weave humor into your pungent thoughts. Can I like "borrow" this post? Proper credit is assured. Thanks in advance! :D

  4. maybe you haven't seen Larios' TV appearances. He was pretty arrogant himself.

  5. pungent thoughts? grabe ka naman jam. hehe. but thanks.

    i've never viewed my entries as, uhm, pungent. hehe


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