The ordeals of commuting during torrential rainshowers

Without anything to shield me from the harsh, cold rain, I made my way from Kalayaan Ave to UP. I slept for more than an hour at my brother's apartment because the initial plan was that we'd visit our relatives in Pasig after my supposed nap. But it was raining; and during these times, people would rather lie in bed than have their posters signed by Sharon Cuneta. Or I may be mistaken.

When I walked out of the apartment, the sky was gloomy, and not a ray of sunlight could be seen. So I figured, "It probably won't rain." Given that, I didn't bother to borrow someone's umbrella or raincoat, and I started walking, without batting an eyelash. I'll get there dry, I thought.

While I was halfway through, it started to pour: first, the small droplets of water and moments later, a barrage of water from the sky. I ran to the nearest roof I could find refuge in (which happened to be KFC Kalayaan), waited for minutes, hoping it would stop, even for five minutes. But it didn't; and I found myself praying, not exactly for me to get to my dorm dry, but for a heart that would trust Him even in simple matters like this.

I didn't know that classes have been suspended already (we know how late the administration gives life-changing announcements like this), so I was determined to get to my place early. I have, after all, two organic chem lab reports to finish, plus a prelab for the next experiment, plus a paper in AP12. Dilly-dallying wasn't the exact solution to these problems.

I ran--yes, dear readers, I can do that--to the Quezon City Hall, and made my way to the nearest road where the UP jeepneys pass by, waited for a few minutes that seemed like ages, and found myself sitting comfortably, albeit my dripping condition.

So here I am, in front of the computer monitor, trying to forget, even for a while, the things I have to do; wondering, too, when the viruses will start attacking my immune system.


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