My (Our) God

Iris Duhaylungsod wrote this very moving piece about her (and our) great God. You may read it here in full, but here's an excerpt:

"GOD. His comfort is like a blanket which gives warmth to my heart and soul. Never have I experienced failure because He was always with me and His grace was overflowing. There were times when things were equated to impossibility, yet God's hands still worked. Indeed, nothing can stop Him from working and transforming the impossible to the possible!

"Now, I am beginning to know how big, how great, how powerful, and how real my God is! He's not just a God who gives candies and lollipops to the people who do good things. He is the God who split the sea into two, and the God who raised the dead. He is [the] God who once became a Man yet He [overcame] death by resurrection. He still lives! And His presence is being manifested in things around us.

"I praise Him for everything! He is my strength and my fortress! I couldn't ask for more. That's why in everything that I do, I do it with a joyful and peaceful heart, because I know who my God is, I know what kind of God I am serving. And He continually reveals Himself to me. As I wake up each day, God just place (sic) in me an excitement that I myself couldn't explain. It's an excitement that makes me want more of Him. It just overflows. It never ceases. And everyday, just like a generous Father, He blesses me with things I never expected. He is really full of surprises.

"Indeed, nothing indeed, could beat my God!"


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