Dorms Christian Fellowship: 10 reasons

The UP Dormitories Christian Fellowship (UP DCF) of which I am a member has had its first General Assembly for this academic year. The program, held at Balay Kalinaw, was attended by Christian dormers from Narra, Molave, Sampaguita, Kamia, Yakal, Ilang, and of course, Kalayaan. It was a wonderful and blessed experience altogether. Many were first-timers, and a lot of our friends to whom we ministered to during our freshmen dorm days were there, too. They've obviously grown in their faith, some of them having taken leadership positions in their respective dorms.

Kuya Dave spoke on the importance of fellowship, especially in the context of the second home, the dorm. He gave an insightful talk entitled, "10 Reasons for Joining XCF," where X is the name of the dorm.

DCF (or XCF) is:

1. Unique. The only org that unites all independent dorm fellowships.
2. Family (Gal 6:20)
3. United. XCF belongs to DCF, which is inter-Bible church/denominational/organizational fellowship. We are united in one body (Eph 4:25), all one in Christ Jesus (Gal 3:28), are keeping the unity (Eph 2:3), and enjoying the unity in Christ (Ps 133:1).
4. Bible-based (2 Tim 3:16)
5. Prayer-based
6. Evangelistic
7. Cross-cultural (Matthew 28:19)
8. Complementing, not competing. We complement the other orgs by keeping the spiritual batteries charged up at home.
9. A Source of Guidance. We prayerfully and biblically help one another.
10. A Future Investment.

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