Learning from the Master

I’m now convinced—more than ever—that it is often easier to learn spiritual truths from God when we are in times of difficulty than when we are in times of comfort.

A friend will not graduate this April, but she will have to wait for another year (I think) so she can take the two subjects she had failed. Still yet another friend of mine got failing marks in one of his exams. Even if he gets a perfect score in the finals, it wouldn’t be quite enough to reach the passing mark for the course.

But in all these, I’ve been blessed by both of their testimonies. After all, both of them have recognized that behind the veil of trials and hardships and disappointments, there is the mighty, sovereign hand of God. Finite as we are, we may not comprehend the plans of God, but we could always choose to trust in our Lord’s heart. He desires only what is best for us.

So, dearest friends, wipe your tears away, and see, even for a while, the radiant beam of Hope from the sky.

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