Post-Sunday-service meditations

Believers of Jesus Christ are the sons of God. This, in a shortened form, is the meaning of the Doctrine of the Sonship of the Believers.

We note that in Galatians 4:6, Paul distinctly mentions the three Divine Persons in the Godhead and each of Their special modes of operation. The Father caused us to be reborn (1 Pet. 1:3); the Son died for us to accomplish this rebirth (Rom 6: 3 – 8); the Holy Spirit sanctifies, preserves, and assures us that we are indeed the children of God.

This truth—so powerful and deep—must be treated with complete reverence. Acknowledging this should cause us to fall prostrate in thanksgiving and worship.

How do we become children of God? To answer this question, we should note that the phrase, “children of God,” has two connotations—the first one is that all men are His children in the sense that He created them; the second is that some men are His children in a spiritual sense. Not all the men He created are His spiritual children—only some of them. And so we rephrase the question to be, “How do we become God’s spiritual children?’

The answer is the Cross, and all the meaning it represents. Christ died for us that we may become the children of God. Our adoption is indeed marvelous (Jn 14:18). The sonship of a Christian is a gift of grace through faith (Gal 3:6).

What are our privileges as sons of God?

The first is justification and acceptance (Gal 3:24). We note the word tutor in verse 24. This word, in its Greek sense, is taken to be a slave employed by the Greeks to supervise young boys in behalf of their parents: this parallels the law. We are not saved by the law, but we are guided by it to seek the One who saves. Therefore, we say that a Christian is no longer under law but under grace (Rom 6:14). God has no sons who are not justified by faith in Jesus Christ.

The second is the promise of a joint inheritance with Jesus Christ (Gal 4:7). Romans 8: 17 puts it succinctly, we are heirs of God.

And so, as Christians, we may enjoy the recognition of the comings of Jesus Christ. Christ is always present, yet He comes. He comes when we need Him most. He pays surprise visits, and His footsteps are noiseless. We should therefore endeavor to tread on the paths He frequently takes so we may see Him: the paths of self-denial, of love and of holiness.

We may also enjoy the recognition of Christ’s presence. This should humble and strengthen us.

Lastly, we may enjoy the recognition of the living God (Jn 11:25). We live by his life, in his life, and we live because He lives.


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