About Christ and Him alone
Maybe it's just misinterpretation, if not downright ignorance, that plagues the world, including some supposed parts of Christendom, during the Christmas season. What bothers me is that people have developed a wrong sense of the celebration and have perhaps forgotten the real reason for the rejoicing.
Christmas is not about Santa Claus nor the gifts he gives to children. It is not about freezing water or the drowsy air from Siberia nor the existence of red-nosed reindeers in the North Pole. It is not about Ethel Booba making amends with another Gwen Garci in Startalk nor about Kris Aquino crying tears of joy after a 15-year old high school senior won the million in Game Ka Na Ba. It is not about going to mass and making sure that one's attendance is complete for the entire Simbang Gabi. It is not about the sky precipitating cool, white bits of ice. It is not even chiefly about giving, forgiveness, love, happiness, family, friends, and goodness.
So what is Christmas then?
It is about a holy God sending His only begotten Son. It is about a Child who deserves a birth fit for a King, but who, in His humility, was born in a manger. It is about Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, whose dainty hands were to be pierced with nails, whose little head was to be crowned with thorns, whose soft flesh was to be lacerated and bruised, and whose heart was to be grieved by all the sins of man. It is about God, in all His might ang glory, stooping down to the humble state of man, His sinful enemy, to save Him from the burning pits of Hell.
It is about His free offer of salvation, both to the Jews and to the Gentiles, and of new life with Him.
My point is simple: Christmas is about Christ and nothing else.
Christmas is not about Santa Claus nor the gifts he gives to children. It is not about freezing water or the drowsy air from Siberia nor the existence of red-nosed reindeers in the North Pole. It is not about Ethel Booba making amends with another Gwen Garci in Startalk nor about Kris Aquino crying tears of joy after a 15-year old high school senior won the million in Game Ka Na Ba. It is not about going to mass and making sure that one's attendance is complete for the entire Simbang Gabi. It is not about the sky precipitating cool, white bits of ice. It is not even chiefly about giving, forgiveness, love, happiness, family, friends, and goodness.
So what is Christmas then?
It is about a holy God sending His only begotten Son. It is about a Child who deserves a birth fit for a King, but who, in His humility, was born in a manger. It is about Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, whose dainty hands were to be pierced with nails, whose little head was to be crowned with thorns, whose soft flesh was to be lacerated and bruised, and whose heart was to be grieved by all the sins of man. It is about God, in all His might ang glory, stooping down to the humble state of man, His sinful enemy, to save Him from the burning pits of Hell.
It is about His free offer of salvation, both to the Jews and to the Gentiles, and of new life with Him.
My point is simple: Christmas is about Christ and nothing else.
Merry Christmas