
I am Lance Isidore Catedral. I write this blog.

As of the time of writing, I am 18 years old—in the Philippines, that’s the legal age, the advent of adulthood, the start of the freedom to choose for oneself what one wants to do with his life. But people who have met me for the first time would think of me as a high school sophomore, or perhaps a grade-schooler, regardless of the obvious signals of puberty. And I really think that all those notions about being 18 are stupid.

My height is 5’4” but and I am convinced that I will grow taller. I have myopic eyes: the only letter I can see in the Snellen Chart is the E at the top, and the last time I’ve seen it, it’s pretty blurred already. I have a flat nose, which perhaps occupies a great deal of my face’s surface area; brown skin; brown-black eyes (I’m not really sure); and a lot of pimples which, thanks to time and soap and water, are slowly disappearing.

I was born in Koronadal City, South Cotabato on the 22nd of April, the year of our Lord, 1987. I keep telling people (because apparently they don’t know) that April 22 is also the Earth Day. I don’t really know why I keep referring to my birthdate as that: maybe it makes me feel extra-special to celebrate my birthday with ecologists protesting against the destruction of the environment. I was most certainly relieved to know that nobody protested my birth.

I study at the University of the Philippines in Diliman (UPD), Quezon City, where I am taking up BS Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BS MBB). It used to be BA English Studies, but I shifted months ago. You could read all about it in this post. I graduated from Koronadal National Comprehensive High School (KNCHS). My elementary school was Notre Dame of Marbel University – Elementary Training Department (NDMU-ETD).

I’ve read a lot of good books, but and I’ve read bad ones, too. My favorite authors are C.S. Lewis, John Steinbeck, J. D. Salinger, Harper Lee, James Hilton, Jose Dalisay, Jessica Zafra, and a whole lot more. But the best book that I’ve read, and it’s something that has radically changed my life for the best, in the Holy Bible. Among all the translations I’ve encountered, my favorite is the New King James Version (NKJV).

I am not a heathen—no, I certainly am not. I’m not an atheist either: I think those people are fools for refusing to see the unmistakable, real picture right before their eyes. I am, above all, a Christian, a follower of Christ. I think life is really a pilgrimage towards knowing the Lord more: after all, to take out Christ from one’s life is to deprive oneself from taking in oxygen.

So what do you have to expect from me? I mean, what can and do I write about?

This blog is, to me, my version of the Bible’s glorious, best-written Psalms—although I don’t write poetry that well. Of course, mine is very, very inferior to what David, Asaph and the Sons of Korah have written, but my aim is simply to glorify God in everything that I write. I want to tell of His exceeding goodness, His tender mercies, His lovingkindness, His truth, and His holiness. You’ll be reading my pilgrimage in the Christian life, my struggles, my lessons, and my joys.

But that’s not all. I write poems, verses, and short stories. I also write about my life in the University, myopia, and all my other philosophies in life. If they’re not Biblical, you’re free to throw me to the nearest dumpsite—but that’s not Biblical either. So I'd really appreciate it if you leave comments on whichever entry you like. Positive or negative comments: both are alright with me.

It is my prayer that as you read each article, view each photo, and click each link, you will come to realize that life is utterly meaningless without Him. And so I find satisfaction in Him and Him alone. All the treasures , the fame, and the trophies that this life can offer are but rubbish compared to the exceeding wealth of knowing Him. It is my God who is my reason for living, and yes, my reason for writing as well.

Isn't it true then that God is the Bottler, and we are the bottles?

To God be the glory! Bottles up!

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