Open House

I haven't written for quite a while, and there are many underlying reasons. For instance, I've been rather busy these past days--the annual dormitory open house, the finals night of a corridor-sponsored activity, birthdays, exams, Valentine's Day, and many others. I am, until now, still overwhelmed with the things that have happened that I do not know where to begin. But since I have begun--and it's a pretty lousy beginning anyway--let me finish it for you.It was on the 12th of February when the Kalayaan Residence Hall was open. The dorm is always open, come to think of it, but only to a select few, namely the residents.

I had many visitors who came and visited to my room--schoolmates, clasmates, and friends. Jason and I decorated the room with three lanterns: I introduced to him the idea, but sadly, due to my lack of manual dexterity, he ended up making all of the lanterns. Incidentally, the open house day was also Jason's birthday, so almost all the visitors--even people we didn't know--greeted him. "Saan ang birthday boy? Happy birthday!"

When the day ended, I was so tired I couldn't even close my eyes. I don't know. I just felt like I had to waste calories closing my eyelids.

Praise God for His provisions.


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