The knot is tied

My cousin took a leap of faith two days ago. No, he didn't jump from the airplane nor did he swallow a bottle of poison. That would be underestimating the entire thing.

Kuya Don got married.

I can still remember the day when I first learned of it. It was the annual Kalayaan dormitory Open House and I was so busy entertaining my guests. Reminded by my brother to invite him, I immediately sent an SMS: kdon, 8s d kalay opn house;lkat ka diri f u hv tym [Kuya Don, it's the Kalayaan open house. You can go here if you have time.] To which he replied "Yes, I shall go there tonight."

* * *

"Lance, I'm going to tell you something," he told me as we were on our way to my borther's dormitory.

"Hmm.. sounds interesting. What is it?" I said, thinking of a million possibilities.

"I'll give you a clue," Kuya Don jokingly said.

"Alright, kuya. What about it?"

"I feel so tired and at the same time, happy." I noted the peculiar smile he had, something I had not seen before. Mysterious as it may seem, his face exhibited a cloud of overwhelming joy and happiness which no word or words can adequately describe. "I told Lola--she's happy for me, too."

I was baffled. I had suspicions.

We went to Rodic's to eat a late dinner. You see, Kuya Don is used to eating late, sleeping late, working late because he's a fresh graduate from the medical school. Perhaps such a habit is acquired from years after years of rigorous study.

"What is it, Kuya Don?" My brother and I asked him again.

He gave clues, and each one of them confirmed what I, at first, had suspected. Everyone--and I mean everyone--was expecting for it (the marriage, I mean), but I was still shocked that I couldn't say anything when he himself disclosed his plans to us that night.

* * *

Kuya Don and Ate Ann Mae's wedding was one of the best I have seen. This is not to say, however, that I always attend--and get invited--to matrimonial ceremonies. I don't. But theirs was a simple one which, in my amateur, unqualified opinion, accomplished its ultimate end: to make public their desire to become one in Christ.

My wish is that they always love one another, always looking up to God as their ultimate source of everything for He is everything.


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