Bottles fascinate me more than the latest cellphone models. I cannot explain this liking satisfactorily, but at least, let me give you the reasons why I like them.
They're breakable. It's great to break things. You have to take extra care in handling them, otherwise, you'll break them. That's the point: take care of your bottles so as to preserve them for the next ages to come.
They're colorful. Not all of them, actually. But the owner always has the option to do whatever he likes to his bottles. A couple of years ago, I realized that if only all bottles were as beautiful as wine bottles (and not as bland as Coca-cola bottles), then this world would become a more beautiful place to live in.
They're transparent. Again, there are exceptions, but most bottles are transparent.
I like transparent things. Yeah.
They're breakable. It's great to break things. You have to take extra care in handling them, otherwise, you'll break them. That's the point: take care of your bottles so as to preserve them for the next ages to come.
They're colorful. Not all of them, actually. But the owner always has the option to do whatever he likes to his bottles. A couple of years ago, I realized that if only all bottles were as beautiful as wine bottles (and not as bland as Coca-cola bottles), then this world would become a more beautiful place to live in.
They're transparent. Again, there are exceptions, but most bottles are transparent.
I like transparent things. Yeah.
Since I have more reasons why I like bottles, I shall update this article sometime later.