Monday, February 3, 2025

The neighbor

Mia Manzulli writes about what it's like to be Joyce Carol Oates's neighbor

A friend asked why the “quiet watching and waiting and respectful stewardship of my connection” mattered. I realize that I like to think that we had an unspoken connection. And that it has something to do with honoring a commitment and coming to understand the value in living somewhere where your home was a sanctuary, where you did not have to be neighborly or interact if you didn’t choose. I admired how Oates created that space for herself and wanted something similar. I also enjoyed the nearness of greatness without ever having to confront its limitations or rejections.



Blogger Unknown said...

i don't know why this is so funny to me. you're happy a "great person" is your neighbor even if you never interact

Mon Feb 03, 11:06:00 AM GMT+8  

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