Because He lives

Today marks the end of January. I have, for the past 31 days, attempted to post at least one blog entry, mostly of photos taken in my past travels—snapshots of people, events, random scenes of the every day that are stored in my private cloud. The experience has been rewarding. There has been a rekindling of my fascination for blogging, never mind the fact that online traffic has markedly dwindled. In a way, it doesn't really matter. I still find, as when I had begun this website, that writing is therapeutic.

Today also marks another day closer to the end of clinical fellowship. That I will leave the hospital in a few weeks and start a new routine of studying for the board exam is a reality that I both relish and dread. I will, once again, find myself at a crossroad—the question of whether I should start my clinical practice or get further training elsewhere. My soul, however, sings the hymn, "Because He Lives," whose familiar chorus goes, "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow / Because He lives all fear is gone / Because I know He holds the future / And life is worth the living just because He lives."


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