Tatay, 66

The Lord called my father, Isidro P. Catedral, home last Sunday. Tatay was 66 years old. I have no words yet, so let me borrow this beautiful Puritan prayer, one that has been encouraging me and my family through this uniquely painful ordeal.

Bathe my soul in rich consolations
...of thy resurrection life;
Great was thy grace
..in commanding me to come hand in hand
....with thee to the Father,
....to be knit to him eternally,
....to discover in him my rest,
....to find in him my peace,
....to behold his glory,
....to honour him who is alone worthy;
..in giving me the Spirit as teacher, guide,
..that I may live repenting of sin,
..conquer Satan,
..find victory in life.
When thou art absent all sorrows are here,
When thou art present all blessings are mine.

—"Victory," from the Valley of Vision


  1. Kuya Lance, I don't why today of all days I felt compelled to check your blog. My condolences to you and your family.


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