Couchsurfers' stories

Gabriele Galimberti features 100 stories of couchsurfers he has met for two years.

CouchSurfing is the act of trading hospitality, practiced by the over 14 million members of the CouchSurfing network present in 230 countries worldwide.

He continues:

I traveled around the world with CouchSurfing for more than two years in order to discover this young, diverse, multicultural, multiracial global community. I have CouchSurfed on all the five continents and has hosted dozens of CouchSurfers in his house in Tuscany. I have slept on a bed worthy of a 5-star hotel in a fairytale villa in Texas and in a room ten square meters in Sichuan, which he shared with 3 generations of a Chinese farmer family. In Ukraine I was hosted by a couple that welcomed him naked, informing him they are “house nudists” and in Botswana by a young man training to become an evangelical pastor. 

Olena, 22 years old, is a committed naturist. "I don't like to wear masks or, when I can avoid it, clothing – especially not in my own home," she tells me. She and her boyfriend Igor often walk around the apartment – which consists of a living room (where I slept on a yoga mat during my stay), kitchen, bedroom and bathroom – naked. They do it so naturally that I quickly get used to it.

Lots of Filipinos are featured in this project, too. I haven't tried couchsurfing myself, but it sounds interesting.


  1. You could try it when you travel although I hear it's harder for guys to find hosts but I think you would be very welcome by most with your profile. I did it in Sumatra (got hosted for 2 nights by different hosts) and it was a wonderful experience. I have 3 friends who do it often and they haven't had any scary encounters yet.
    If you can host yourself that is much better because some of the best hosts only host other hosts, not just surfers.
    Natawa naman ako sa "all 5 continents". Nabawasan na ba ang mga continents since I last learned about them?

    1. The concept interests me because of it gives people an opportunity to show hospitality.

      Five continents pa rin. Mga planeta lang ang nagdadagdagan o nababawasan, i.e., Pluto.


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