
I READ Psalm 5 this morning. The first verse goes, “Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my groaning.” I haven't been groaning exactly, but I've had my moments of doubt and anxiety, not just about my upcoming exams, but about what I'd do with my life. I've come up with a plan, of course, something I've shared with close family and friends. But what if my plans don't materialize? What then? I've realized that my anxieties are borne out of my forgetting that God's hand isn't too short, that He is in control, that He is powerful, that He is deeply involved in the personal affairs of His children. Anxiety exposes so much of how I distrust Him. Jesus cautions his disciples in Matthew 5, “Do not worry.” In a sense He is saying, “There's no point in worrying too much because I am in control.”

Psalm 5 ends with a big “but.” I love how God can use Scripture to bring comfort to His people.

But let all who take refuge in Thee be glad,
Let them ever sing for joy;
And mayest Thou shelter them,
That those who love Thy name may exult in Thee.


  1. You read the KJV? You're part of a dying breed, man.

  2. The last verse is one of my favorites in the Psalms. I love how David relates "taking refuge in [God]" and trusting in His providence to man's life-long quest for true and lasting joy - which can only be found in Him. And I love how he explains at the end how exalting His name and exulting in Him are inseparable.

    And I can definitely relate with your quarter life crisis of sorts. I'm having one myself! Haha. Let's "consider the lilies" together! :)

    1. We're in our "quarter" lives! Don't we just love the Psalms?


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