In shirts, shorts, and slippers: our day trip to Tagaytay

IT TOOK us a while to realize the big mistake we made after we had hailed the bus bound for Tagaytay: we forgot to bring our jackets. Already used to the rural community setting, we were dressed in shirts, shorts, and slippers—as if we were headed to the beach. We forgot how freezing it could get in Tagaytay, and the wind was so cold we felt we were being refrigerated.

The quick day trip to Tagaytay was largely unplanned, which was just as well, because sometimes the best trips are those made spontaneously. From Bailen we took the jeepney to Alfonso, which was 30 to 45 minutes away. From Alfonso we rode an ordinary bus (the Coastal Mall route) to Tagaytay. The trip lasted an hour. All in all, the bus fare totaled to Php 40.

trees trees

"What do we do now?" I asked Migz, who knew the place better than I did. I had been to Tagaytay before, but I had only stayed there for a few minutes.

We explored the public market, with its organized stalls and relatively quiet people.


We did a lot of walking.


Migz told me how Tagaytay is fast becoming more and more commercialized. Buildings, condominiums, and business stalls are being put up everywhere. On some days, the traffic gets very bad it's like being in Metro Manila.


The flowers looked wonderful.



And the cool climate made us feel sleepy, like this cat. It was only 9 am.

sleepy cat

Overlooking the view deck near the city rotunda was this panoramic scenery of Taal Lake.

taal lake

We headed to Bag of Beans, possibly the most famous coffee shop in town, and got ourselves a great view, too.

bag of beans

the view

We ordered bottomless kapeng barako and the homemade apple pie a la mode.

kapeng barako


After we did our reading we wondered where we would eat for lunch. I texted Luther Caranguian, one of my closest friends from college, for tips on where the best bulalo was. He called me and said he would come over for lunch and join us. He drove us to Josephine's.

josephie's bulalo

We ordered bulalo and their special fried chicken.


The bulalo tasted so good after the meal I felt my blood curdle in cholesterol.


Luther works as an engineer for a multinational semiconductor company nearby. Catching up with him was a blessing for me. He is one of the smartest, most insightful people I know. I'm blessed to call him a brother in the Lord. He is deeply in love, too—it shows in his smile—and I can only wish him the best.


Praise God for the wonderful time! More photos of our Tagaytay escapade here.


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