Family Day 2013
I LEFT the hospital earlier than usual to catch the 8:30 am service at Higher Rock Christian Church. This Sunday was particularly special because it was our Family Day. Missing it would be a huge loss. The theme was Marvelous Love, taken from 1 John 4:19: "We love because He first loved us."
Missionary Doug Nichols was invited to preach in the morning. He expounded on 1 Thessalonians 5:12-14 and cited practical examples and stories of how best we could, as Christians, serve our pastors, our church, and our church members. God used his preaching to minister to us. His life is a shining testimony to the kindness and sovereignty of God. As for myself I desperately needed the reminder—the Scripture references he cited were the ones I needed to hear.

We had lunch fellowship in church thereafter. I finally caught up with my lawyer friend Ate Liw, one of the coolest people I know. Her life is an encouragement to me and my brother. I really love this picture of us beside the Christmas tree.

We were all surprised to see Kairos, the almost one-year old son of Dom and Tina Cariaga. Wasn't it just a few months ago when we had labored in prayer that the Lord would give the Cariagas a child? How faithful the Lord has been in their lives! Kairos—a quiet, behaved, and contemplative child—took a certain liking to Manong Ralph. That made my brother really happy.

Dom and Tina are now based in Baguio. Dom is a practicing ophthalmologist there. I told him I'd visit his clinic soon, and he promised to screen me, a high myope, for retinal detachment.
We sat with the Cariagas and the Lascos—and what a lovely, enjoyable meal we all had!

Spotted: church friends Koji, RG, and Jeremy, as well as . . .

Royden, Maynard, Manong, and Joseph.

Jo, the soon-to-be pediatrician.

More friends!

There were presentations, and there were games.

Children looked on.

And so did the older ones.

And then there were the funny superheroes, who would later usher in the Gospel message.

I praise God for my church family! More photos in this album.
Missionary Doug Nichols was invited to preach in the morning. He expounded on 1 Thessalonians 5:12-14 and cited practical examples and stories of how best we could, as Christians, serve our pastors, our church, and our church members. God used his preaching to minister to us. His life is a shining testimony to the kindness and sovereignty of God. As for myself I desperately needed the reminder—the Scripture references he cited were the ones I needed to hear.
We had lunch fellowship in church thereafter. I finally caught up with my lawyer friend Ate Liw, one of the coolest people I know. Her life is an encouragement to me and my brother. I really love this picture of us beside the Christmas tree.
We were all surprised to see Kairos, the almost one-year old son of Dom and Tina Cariaga. Wasn't it just a few months ago when we had labored in prayer that the Lord would give the Cariagas a child? How faithful the Lord has been in their lives! Kairos—a quiet, behaved, and contemplative child—took a certain liking to Manong Ralph. That made my brother really happy.
Dom and Tina are now based in Baguio. Dom is a practicing ophthalmologist there. I told him I'd visit his clinic soon, and he promised to screen me, a high myope, for retinal detachment.
We sat with the Cariagas and the Lascos—and what a lovely, enjoyable meal we all had!
Spotted: church friends Koji, RG, and Jeremy, as well as . . .
Royden, Maynard, Manong, and Joseph.
Jo, the soon-to-be pediatrician.
More friends!
There were presentations, and there were games.
Children looked on.
And so did the older ones.
And then there were the funny superheroes, who would later usher in the Gospel message.
I praise God for my church family! More photos in this album.
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