It's this time of the year again. TRP (Tao Rin Pala) is fast approaching. Held every December, it's the biggest show in the UP College of Medicine, featuring talents otherwise repressed by the daily grind of med school life.
For the past years, Agape has been doing handmimes. Those peformances have become the org's signature, for lack of a better term, because no other organization has attempted to do them, at least to my knowledge.
Last year, Agape did
"He Opens a Window," a song from the musical, Joseph The Dreamer. In 2008, it was
"Who Am I" by Casting Crowns. In 2009, it was
"All For Love" by Hillsong. You can watch them in YouTube.
Those handmime presentations have been avenues to minister God's message to the professors, students, and staff of the College. Music and songs can only go so far, of course, but who are we to limit the Lord in His ability to move in the hearts of the listeners?
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