Time off


I risked going home for the Christmas break two days earlier, to the dismay of my classmates who, at the time of my arrival in General Santos City airport, must have felt a certain amount of envy at the thought that I was having the time of my life when I texted them that I had a smooth flight, praise God.

Since then I've kept myself busy, amused, and entertained.

For many days, I was running to and fro to comply with the paperwork needed for my passport application. By God's grace, our study on A(H1N1) qualified for an international conference in the Netherlands, and, if the funds permit, we're going to present it there sometime in March. Meanwhile I'm not keeping very high hopes. If we don't make it, I hope there will be other opportunities.

I've also gotten back to leisure reading. I enjoyed The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie immensely; I can't wait to read his other work, The Midnight Children, but a paperback costs around Php 600. Do you have a copy? If you do, can I borrow it? I am now a fan.

The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy was also a worthwhile read. It narrates the story of a man dying and in pain, and nobody really understands what he's going through, even his family. It's a work medical students—even practicing physicians—would profit from.

Right now, I'm reading Sting's autobiography called Broken Music. He writes honestly and beautifully. I'm in the chapter where he's talking about his struggles at the start of his career. I like how humble he sounds.

I had a great time with the family, too. There are many things I want to write about: my first zipline experience in Lake Sebu, the high school reunions I attended, and the Christmas parties I was invited in.

Such is the overflow of God's mercies. Thank You, Lord, for this time off.

* * *

Meanwhile, here are some photos again.

December 16. I attended a wedding.


Sean was clearly not dressed up for the occasion, and so was I. But this looks like a view set in France.


I wonder why violet has gotten so popular these days.


December 23. Dinner with the Lays. My mother (right) and Auntie Cecille, her best friend, were checking out songs they would sing for the karaoke. The performance was atrocious.

Auntie Cecil and Nanay

December 25. Lunch at home with my uncles, aunts, and cousins from the Garcenila side.

At home

The view from my room.


December 28. High school reunion.


  1. Congratulations on the conference! is this ISCOMS? I thought it was in June though?

    Happy New Year!


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