Sharon Cuneta was in class!

Today was my last day in class for the year 2010. I'm going home tomorrow—two days earlier than the scheduled end of classes.

This afternoon, I took pictures of classmates whose expressions ranged from blank to bored.

Marcus Estaban, Lennie Chua, Des Dayag, Carla Bozon

Lee-Ann Caro is taking a power nap. A great seatmate, she helps me understand important points in the lectures. I can say many good things about her, but I know she'll strangle me if I say too much.

Lee-Ann Caro

The man with the goatee is Austine Gawaran. He's the most vocal, most participative member of the class—no doubt about that. Seated beside him is Marcus Estaban whose head performs acrobatics whenever he falls asleep.

Marcus Esteban, Jason Alacapa, Austine Gawaran

The Chinese-looking girl is Ching Ching—even her mother calls her Ching. Behind her is Robert Fajardo whose bulging abdomen is a gazillion times better than a stress ball.

Ching Ching, Robert Fajardo

That's myself, AA Agadamag, and Lee-Ann Caro. AA has the best lunch menu in class. I'm amazed at this kid's patience and kindness.

Lance, AA Agdamag, Lee-Ann Caro

I sat beside Roland Angeles this afternoon. In first year, I learned many things from Anatomy because of his tutorials. Patrick Abarquez, one of my favorite Intarmeds, looks on from behind. Beside him is Dalvie Casilang who can croak like an ostrich.

Roland Angeles, Des Dayag, Patrick Abarquez, Dalfie Casilang

Here's Robert again, this time with David Diciano sporting the turtleneck. Marvie Aguro is bogged down.

Marvie Aguro (asleep), Hansel Duro, Robert Fajardo, David Diciano

Since she got her haircut, Carla Bozon has looked like the Megastar herself.

Carlie Bozon, aka Sharon Cuneta

On the way out I told a classmate, "Think of me when you're in class: I'm having the time of my life at home, while you're here, still stuck with school."


  1. Lance, can you still sing Starlight the way Sharon does? -Bambi

  2. LANCE! We missed you today. :( Class isn't complete without you. But! I'm happy that you're enjoying home. :) Sending all our love from Manila!


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