On the air

I'm on unofficial Christmas break.

Since last week's exam, school has been light and fun, with no impending exam in the horizon. These days, everyone looks so relaxed—except my friends, Bon Buno and Byran Ferrolino, who've taken charge of the Christmas façade preparations. It makes me so proud thinking of these two.

I'm going home on the 16th (that's tomorrow), two days earlier than the scheduled vacation day. I booked my ticket a month ago.

Normally UP has no classes on the day of the Lantern Parade. UP Manila's Lantern Parade falls on the 16th, Diliman's on the 17th. Apparently, med school is different. We still have a small group discussion (SGD) on December 17. SGDs make up a major part of our grade.

At this point, it's impractical to do a rebook. I'll talk to the Neurology Department if I can be excused from the SGD. I'll be more than happy to do extra work to make up for my absence.

I also have to smooth things out with some other school stuff. But other than that, I hope I can buy presents for my kringle, run errands for my mother, and prepare a fresh salad for my roommates (I offered to make one for our private Christmas dinner later).

Christmas hangs on the air.


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