The Curious Case of Benjamin Button—the movie, this time

The movie adapted the general theme of the original short story but took a different plot altogether. But I wasn't disappointed. It was well worth the time.

My favorite part was the narration of Daisy's accident, coupled with an interplay of scenes. I thought it was pure genius. That sealed the movie for me.

That said, Cate Blanchett (Daisy) remains among my favorite actresses. She's too natural, and it shows in the dance movements and the Southern American accent which didn't sound fake at all.

I'm happy with Brad Pitt's (Benjamin) acting, proving he is an actor first before being Angelina Jolie's lover.

This is the first movie (on wide screen) that I've watched for the year, and what a blast it's been.


  1. Cate Blanchett with a southern accent FTW; but Benjamin Button kept dragging on, always pausing dramatically on Brad Pitt's face, a lot like Meet Joe Black, FTL


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