
I've just finished answering some NMAT reviewers, and I now realize I do not yet know a lot of things, even basic multiplication.

It's funny how the world operates: the more we know, the more we do not know. It's a universal paradox we have to live with, because a single discovery--albeit small--branches out to new nuggets of knowledge.

I don't understand why we have to learn and re-learn organic chemistry, mechanical physics, and all the structures we've memorized in biology. But the lesson is clear: I am not prepared--I do not feel prepared--to take the NMAT tomorrow.

But, I realize, that it is precisely during our moments of helplessness when we are nearest God. I trust that tomorrow, every stroke of my pen will be guided by Him who promised never to leave me nor forsake me.


  1. A little advice, Lance.
    Don't go too "deep" in the subjects especially Chemistry. All the Organic Chemistry you'll need in the NMAT is covered under the General Chemistry course.


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