Funny names

Because there are millions of us in the country, it's hard to imagine there are people with really weird names. Aside from those who have a zealous fascination for the letter h (Bhoy, Nheneng, Indhay), there are people who carry surnames that will make you go Did I hear that right? before you explode in laughter.

Junk food
In my high school, a teacher was checking attendance one day, calling each person first by surname followed by the given name:

Bastareche, Peewee.

Now that sounds like junkfood.

The good friend
Juicy true story from Ate Meann:

A lady just gave birth to a boy. Exhausted after delivery, she asked her friend to go to the City Hall to register the name of the newborn baby. The mother must have ruminated on that name for years. When the friend eventually got to the Hall, she totally forgot the name. The problem was, she couldn't go back, and during that time, cellphones weren't common yet. So, the friend thought of a glorious, decent name that the baby would use for years: Reboluto.

In my high school, a girl queued up to pay for her tuition. When it was her turn, the clerk asked, "Ano'ng apelyido mo?"

"Apelyido po."

"Hoy, huwag mo akong lokohin. Ano nga ang apelyido mo?"

"Apelyido nga po."

The clerk was about to explode until she learned that the girl was telling the truth.

In Paete, Laguna, a barangay chairman is named Hermie Bagongahasa (newly raped).


  1. I remember watching an i-witness documentary on odd names; there's actually a legal process to change your name expecially if it's as graphic as "bagonggahasa." Hahaha.

  2. Sayang, di ko napanood.

    I think you're referring to RA 9048 which allows local civil registrars or consul generals (for Filipinos abroad) to change the person’s given name without court proceedings. This law also gives civil registrars the authority to correct clerical or typographical errors in the entries in a person’s birth certificate.

    A first name can be changed if the person “finds it to be ridiculous, tainted with dishonor or extremely difficult to write or pronounce.” An alias or nickname that a person has been using can be legalized. Any change in name to “avoid confusion” is normally granted.

    You can read more about it at


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