Herman is in town

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Herman Padernal, classmate from grade to high school, is in town for a field trip. Shean and I met with him at the SM Mall of Asia. We had had a great time relishing the good ol' high school days.

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Herman will always be remembered for his nose where most of his pimple took residency, and for his tongue that's as long as a dog's. Really.

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Who in the Philippines doesn't know anything about SM? So there we went, for lack of any places to go to.

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Most of the time we walked. The photo shows SM Mall of Asia during lazy Sunday afternoons. Makes me wonder why these people seem to have all the time in the world strolling around.

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After three hours or so of talking, laughing, reminiscing, and updating (who's involved with whom? whatever happened to this and that classmate?), Herman eventually went back to his hotel and bid us goodbye. We'll miss you, man.


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