Advent of Summer Break

Absolutely no school work in mind. It feels weird different. No reports to think about. Nothing school-related at all. I take that as the first sign of summer vacation. Ah, finally, a breather. The official break hasn't arrived yet, but it sure is looming over the horizon.

While most of my friends have decided how to spend the next two months or so, I still have no definite plans. I don't even know when I'm going home. For sure, I'm not taking any summer classes. But I'll be attending the Youth Summer Camp in Cavite on the first week of April. I'm so excited. I also need to stay a little longer to edit the Torch, the youth's quarterly publication. Two months of idleness at home would be torture. I'd want to make myself productive. A summer job, perhaps?

On another note, Nanay has informed us of her plans to come over. She has a conference to attend around the last week of April, I think. Auntie Net is also coming. Wow. If the Lord allows, we might just go to Baguio. All of us, with Manong. Too bad Tatay and Sean aren't coming. Oh well, there'll be other opportunities.

Can't help but tell you that I've been watching a lot of House, MD lately. It's a lot of fun. It sounds more medical than Grey's Anatomy; the hospital even looks better spiffier. And man, I like Dr. House's character--sarcastic, emotionally dysfunctional, ironic, and bearded--but he's certainly not the doctor I'd want to diagnose me. But if he does, I'd definitely tell him to sign on my intestinal lining, in case he operates on me.

Next in my to-do list: find a great book lots of great books to read. I'm thinking, Nobel laureates this time. And Christian classics. Oh, and before I sleep, where can I buy a copy of The Precious Jewel of Christian Contentment?


  1. we can search bookstores if you like

  2. haha! I love House,too! :P
    it's so fun...
    yeah, i agree..more medical tingy than grey's. but still, i love grey's.
    i love them both :D

  3. you're referring to Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs, right? you can but it from Amazon. hehehe. you can try Back to the Bible bookstore. we don't distribute it here in OMF Lit, and i don't think i've seen it in PCBS.


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