Sem ender

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After the grueling MBB lab exam, the block went to Katipunan for lunch. I forgot what the restaurant's called, but the pork chop was delicious. For a while there, we forgot what we had gone through for the past few weeks: hours of staring at empty computer screens, notes to re-read and process, and exams to prepare for. Everyone was in a joyful mood--and who wouldn't be, knowing that the sem is finally over?

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In the middle of noisy laughter, Coy and Dianne barged in, carrying a white cake with little candles on top. It was for Jana. She's turning 18 tomorrow. We decided to have an early celebration because she's leaving for Baguio today, and we won't be seeing her until next month. The sweet, little Jana who calls me "Kuya", the Jana who always offers refeshing conversations, and the Jana to whom a lot of people confide their love problems to has finally been sent out into the world to, uhm, find the man of her dreams find her rightful place. Sorry for the pun, Jan. But let me greet you a happy birthday again.

After lunch, we went to Gateway for the Ninja Turtles movie. Wegs requested that we watch it. Surprisingly, we had fun. A little disappointed, yes, because we didn't really see Donatello's Michelangelo's chaka--er, chaku. Master Splinter looked more like a squirrel than a rat. And oh, what happened to the tutles? Except Raphael, they looked anorexic. They've gotten thinner. South Beach Diet, perhaps? Or they've decided to eat calorie-free pizza this time?

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I agree with Jana. Life this summer will be different without our blockmates around.


  1. LANCE!!! :D

    move in with manong ralph this summer so we can be one happy philcoa family :D hehehee..

    love, dianne


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